Any Devs looking for ideas for dapps

I have just got super cool idea… (not just for this use case)

Mass addoption users do not want to remember mnemonics. To go around this we can use the 2FA mechanism described in the other thread… But instead of using the user mnemonic account, user can generate from the hash of his email, and password the sk account. The service provider would have the recovery account (3rd msig account) protected by ledger and not used much.

This way user would have to keep secret his password, email and authentication application, and technically he can transfer with these information the assets. But generic population is already aware how to manage the secrets or how to use the auth apps, so this might lead to mass addoption.

It is so easy application to build… The main challange here is how you will persuade the events to allow you to organize the events. This is where all those funds collected from crazy high fees go - to marketing.

Do you know some people who might be willing to organize events which are protected by decentralized database and pay for it?