Question about co-chain and ASA inegrations

Welcome to Algorand!

BEP20 / ERC20 is equivalent to ASA on MainNet. If your goal is to switch from Binance chain to Algorand, you can create an ASA on MainNet.
You would get all the benefits of the Algorand blockchain: very low transaction fees, very high throughput, immediate finality (less than 5s to finalize a transaction without ever risk of forking), very strong security model (via sortition and player replaceability), …

One question to better understand your needs:
Why do you want to use a private network/co-chain?

Due to low transaction fees and high throughput, my personal opinion is that co-chains would be mostly useful for privacy reasons rather than cost/performance reasons.

Regarding co-chain technology, some answers are there:

In short, co-chain technology is not yet available. You can already create a private network with the validators/participation nodes of your choice (they would just be the nodes with a lot of private Algos in your network and you can control who receive those Algos). However, there would be no interaction with MainNet. Furthermore, all node managements would need to be done manually or the tooling would need to be developed.