Smart contracts and ASA cash flows

Have you looked at the long discussion about bonds?

This may give you some ideas.
If every account with $CD should receive 10% whether or not they kept the $CD tokens for a long period of time or just receive it, a simple solution is the following:

  • Have two tokens $CD-held, $CD-real
  • Normal accounts only hold $CD-held.
  • It is possible at any point in time to each 1 $CD-held for x $CD-real and vice-versa. At the beginning x = 1. After one year, x=1.1, after two years , x = 1.1*1.1 = 1.21 and so on.
    This simulates your 10% increase of the holdings of $CD-real every year, without any complicated logic.

For some other solutions discussed above, if you want to rely on normal ASA, you most likely will need to freeze the ASA and use a smart contract to transfer the ASA like Securities and Permissioned Tokens | Algorand Developer Portal and references.

Finally, another solution is to use a manual out-of-chain system.

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