Hi everyone!
I have a question about Pera Wallet apps: are they compatible with Smart ASA, as described in ARC 20?
Thank you!
Hi everyone!
I have a question about Pera Wallet apps: are they compatible with Smart ASA, as described in ARC 20?
Thank you!
Pera Wallet would be able to sign the App Call to the Smart ASA application through a WalletConnect session. This means that the transaction must be created outside Pera, just like a transaction from a DeFi application like Tinyman, FolksFinance, etc.
This being said, what’s the use case? Also, please notice that the reference implementation of Smart ASA has been recently updated using Algorand Python (instead of the deprecated PyTeal).
You could join the Developer Council Meeting to discuss.
Developer Council
Friday, February 21 · 16:00 – 17:00
Time zone: Central European Time
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mvy-uwha-uvt
Hi @cusma,
thanks for the answer. I’ll try to be more specific: if i own a SMART ASA, could i trasfer it directly from my Pera Wallet? In other words, has Pera Wallet some kind of ‘built-in’ functionalities in order to manage SMART ASA just like it happens with ‘regular’, simple ASAs? (knowing that, in case of a ARC-20 nft, every operation must be done through the contract connected to the nft itself).
Thank you.
The biatec wallet has the support for the ARC200 tokens… The pera does not have support for arc20 nor arc200 to my knowledge. However you may use some third party tools to create you the app call for the transfer of the tokens and with wallet connect connection to pera you may be able to transfer it.
So no, in that case the UX on Pera Wallet would not be seamless as a simple ASA. Currently no wallet (that I’m aware of) in the Algorand ecosystem supports ARC-20 natively. But please join the Developer Council (once named Wallet Council) as this is precisely the kind of topic we try to address.
@francescamartinucci also, this is the link of the new reference implementation coded with Algorand Python: ARCs/assets/arc-0020 at main · algorandfoundation/ARCs · GitHub
@cusma @scholtz thank you so much. i’ll try to join the google meet in order to learn more about and maybe to find a solution for my needs. see you there @cusma
btw why do you need the arc20?
arc20 is just the smart contract mimic of the asa and nobody is using it because it is much less trustworthy to use the arc20 then standard token (asa) because the smart contract may contain the code to steal the funds or other things… and the interface just provide the same functionality as the asa (optin, freeze, clawback…)
the arc200 has also the same security issues but it provides the mimic of the eth20 token standard, but in contrast to arc20 solves the issue with opting in… you can send to others the arc200 without them needing to opt in. also it brings the features that the eth devs are used to like the approve address and then the address can do the transfer on behalf of user… and there are alreadu few wallets that can do arc200 nativly like the biatec wallet or kibisis
btw for the smart contract NFTs there is the ARC72 standard