let xtxn1 = algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient,
closeRemainderTo, revocationTarget, cp.fee, amount,
cp.firstRound, cp.lastRound, note, cp.genHash, cp.genID, assetID);
let xtxn2 = algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient,
closeRemainderTo, revocationTarget, cp.fee, amount,
cp.firstRound, cp.lastRound, note, cp.genHash, cp.genID, assetID);
var txns = [xtxn1, xtxn2]; // array of unsigned transactions (dict or Transaction)
var sks = recoveredAccount1.sk;
let txgroup = algosdk.assignGroupID(txns);
var signed = [];
for (let idx in txgroup) {
signed.push(algosdk.signTransaction(txgroup[idx], sks));
let xtx = (await algodclient.sendRawTransactions(signed));
console.log("Asset Transfer Transaction id : " + xtx.txId);
// wait for transaction to be confirmed
await waitForConfirmation(algodclient, xtx.txId);
it shows address seems to be malformed error…can anyone help me?
Can you provide a JS file with an example that can be run or at least the exact error output?
Most likely the issue is that one of the variables like sender
, recipient
, … is not a valid Algorand address.
1 Like
i cant upload a file sir…here is my code…
const algosdk = require('algosdk');
const token = "3c169d2e0b26d9a224bf590304b80410ae70f240c0ca531e297a9c58350b2f11";
const server = "";
const port = 8080;
// Utility function to update params from blockchain
async function getChangingParms(algodclient) {
const cp = {};
let params = await algodclient.getTransactionParams();
cp.firstRound = params.lastRound;
cp.lastRound = cp.firstRound + parseInt(1000);
let sfee = await algodclient.suggestedFee();
cp.fee = sfee.fee;
cp.genID = params.genesisID;
cp.genHash = params.genesishashb64;
return cp;
// Function used to wait for a tx confirmation
const waitForConfirmation = async function (algodclient, txId) {
let lastround = (await algodclient.status()).lastRound;
while (true) {
const pendingInfo = await algodclient.pendingTransactionInformation(txId);
if (pendingInfo.round !== null && pendingInfo.round > 0) {
//Got the completed Transaction
console.log("Transaction " + pendingInfo.tx + " confirmed in round " + pendingInfo.round);
await algodclient.statusAfterBlock(lastround);
var algodclient = new algosdk.Algod(token, server, port);
var account1_mnemonic = "sea dove slender worth drop track spy rescue ramp ticket neutral zebra awake inject area future depart above minor choose add used polar abstract pond";
var recoveredAccount1 = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(account1_mnemonic);
var receiveraccount = "april field feature hundred edit crush proud calm elbow need adult joke ready scene tomorrow second crunch dose flash slender sand repeat bid above grow";
var recoveredAccount2 = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(receiveraccount);
var receiveaccount = "session short burden pole tomorrow jungle grit join buzz arm shove lend obscure trumpet edit trim rifle suffer round rate endless hollow boil abstract nose";
var receiveraccount3 = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(receiveaccount);
async function transaction() {
// Transfer Asset:
// replace with your assetid
try {
let assetID = 55;
let sender = recoveredAccount1.addr;;
let recipient = recoveredAccount2.addr;
let recipient2 = receiveraccount3.addr;
let note = undefined;
// We set revocationTarget to undefined as
// This is not a clawback operation
let revocationTarget = undefined;
// CloseReaminerTo is set to undefined as
// we are not closing out an asset
let closeRemainderTo = undefined;
// We are sending 0 assets
amount = 0;
let cp = await getChangingParms(algodclient);
// signing and sending "txn" allows sender to begin accepting asset specified by creator and index
let xtxn1 = algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient,
closeRemainderTo, revocationTarget, cp.fee, amount,
cp.firstRound, cp.lastRound, note, cp.genHash, cp.genID, assetID);
let xtxn2 = algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient2,
closeRemainderTo, revocationTarget, cp.fee, amount,
cp.firstRound, cp.lastRound, note, cp.genHash, cp.genID, assetID);
let txns = [xtxn1, xtxn2]; // array of unsigned transactions (dict or Transaction)
let sks = recoveredAccount1.sk;
let txgroup = algosdk.assignGroupID(txns);
let signed = [];
for (let idx in txgroup) {
signed.push(algosdk.signTransaction(txgroup[idx], sks));
let xtx = (await algodclient.sendRawTransactions(signed));
console.log("Asset Transfer Transaction id : " + xtx.txId);
// wait for transaction to be confirmed
await waitForConfirmation(algodclient, xtx.txId);
// You should now see the 10 assets listed in the account information
act = await algodclient.accountInformation(recoveredAccount1.addr);
console.log("Account Information for: " + JSON.stringify(act.assets[assetID]));
} catch (e) {
signed.push(algosdk.signTransaction(txgroup[idx], sks));
PS: If you wrap your code inside three backquotes ```
, it gets pretty printed.
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