On top of all that, “proposals” are decided by the Foundation probably a handful of individuals at best. Proposal, votes and results all controlled by the same entities or individuals. Lets see if the “discussions” on this Forum and in Reddit made any impact to their initial “proposals”. My bet is that it made zero differences. Either way, it would be another waste of a quarter and only result is freshly minted ALGO for everyone. Enjoy while it lasts.
They seem to recognize that passive gov rewards need to be reduced/redirected to more productive incentives that will lead to on chain economy (and TVL and token price) growth
Others may have different issues but to me this is actually the highest priority, and if we exit the bear market with incentives that are more aligned w/ ecosystem growth (as opposed to BUY THIS AND HODL) then Algorand may actually become a top 10 coin
The timing to incentivise DeFi at the expense of governance is excellent considering the upcoming CeFi and DeFi bridges.
this measure is too little too late, just like how Algorand missed the TPS, NFT and DeFi hype throughout the last bullrun. this is where other L1s gained massive adoption and name recognition. now allocating 7M to DeFi when there Aeneas Liquidity Program is 300M is a drop in the ocean.