Governance Period 6 Draft Measures - Community Check In

Vote Coin gives 10% APY paid out hourly :wink: (All that one have to do is just to hold it or amm token on his account)
And its basicly USD, ALGO and BTC index… You can even get the algorand governance rewards if you put it to Algo/Vote AMM.


I would like to see the exact rules on who is able to receive the rewards… Do you think it is possible before it can go to the vote?

I would like this fund to be distributed fairly. Not to friend of the vertical heads.

For example:

Is the AWallet eligible to receive the rewards? It was first open source algorand wallet, and it is the only wallet which supports making account to online state, the only wallet which supports rekeying of multisig accounts, the only wallet where the users can select the nodes from the public list of nodes, the only wallet which has payment gateway in it, vanity account generation, multi account generation… And the project has received zero funding from the foundation and zero funding from any VCs. (In mainnet since June 2021)

Is the Vote Coin project eligible to receive the rewards?

Is the Stabilitas project eligible to receive the rewards?

Is AlgoDex eligible to receive the rewards?

Is FolksFinance eligible to receive the rewards?

Is AIINU scam eligible to receive rewards?

I would prefer to get in touch with the VCs because i dont want to depend on grants… I want to create stable company and be able to hire people.

But if this program goes through, please make it fair. You can start by clearly stating the criteria.

Also how many projects do you think will get funded by this?

I perfectly support this. Every project has expenses in the stable money.

If you would announce that you would want to support EURC, you might push the circle to make euro coin on algorand more popular.

With stable coins on AMMs we could move the FX market to Algorand. I believe this is huge thing.

I agree with this also… The foundation should start receiving the rewards from its projects so that the algorand is long term sustainable chain. Less grants, more investments…