I am using Java SDK to interact with Algorand Node. Some of the use cases are Transfer Algo, Create App etc.
My code is working fine with my local Algorand node on testnet.
But when I try to do the same using purestake.io api endpoint, it’s throwing “msgpack decode” error from the node.
Here’s the response message I am getting for purestake endpoint for a transfer call:
“message” : “msgpack decode error [pos 1]: only encoded map or array can be decoded into a struct”
BTW, I am encoding using message pack before posting the transaction.
Sample code:
byte encodedTxBytes = Encoder.encodeToMsgPack(signedTxn);
logListener.info(“Posting transaction to the network …”);
Response postTransactionsResponse = client.RawTransaction().rawtxn(encodedTxBytes).execute();