Need to know if my node is up and running

Hi guys, I am not very well versed in Linux, but have a little idea…
I am running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS.
I followed the instruction to run a node and I think I have it running but am not sure of it.
I run the following command:
goal node status -d /var/lib/algorand

and i get the following response:

Last committed block: 4498401
Time since last block: 0.0s
Sync Time: 12217.6s
Last consensus protocol: GitHub - algorandfoundation/specs at 4a9db6a25595c6fd097cf9cc137cc83027787eaa
Next consensus protocol: GitHub - algorandfoundation/specs at 4a9db6a25595c6fd097cf9cc137cc83027787eaa
Round for next consensus protocol: 4498402
Next consensus protocol supported: true
Last Catchpoint:
Genesis ID: mainnet-v1.0
Genesis hash: wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=

Is my node running?

Welcome to Algorand!

Yes, it’s running and syncing.
When Sync Time becomes 0.0, it will be synced and ready to use.

It’s currently at round 4498401.
You can check the actual current block of the blockchain on

If you are not an archival node (which is the default behavior), you can use fast catchup to sync more quickly. See Algorand Developer Docs

Thanks Fabrice! Now I want to participate in the online consensus protocol. I’ll look into this first and hopefully I can do it. I will need to link my Algorand wallet correct?

Yes the Algorand address needs to be linked to your participation by having your Algorand account sign the “key registration” / “changeonline” transaction.
You don’t need and don’t want to put your secret key on the participation node.

See Algorand Developer Docs for details

Once you start participating, you may consider AlertHub.

Hi dear @hct
how did you manage to run the Node on the Raspberry. For me it didn’t work out. As soon as I put algorand into comand line it says, not recogniced.

Could you maybe share what where your challenges and where did you miss, cause I am not able to make it run, at least for now. Tomorrow I will try again.

Hi Peter I’m running Ubuntu not Raspberry…

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