Hi everyone,
I can’t use this opcode: asset_params_get i
. It always returns 0s.
txn Assets 0 // ASA ID in assets array
asset_params_get AssetTotal
P.S. Using teal 5, but it didn’t work either on previous versions.
Hi everyone,
I can’t use this opcode: asset_params_get i
. It always returns 0s.
txn Assets 0 // ASA ID in assets array
asset_params_get AssetTotal
P.S. Using teal 5, but it didn’t work either on previous versions.
Suddenly it started working
Found out that it’s not working with Atomic transfer. Anyone else experiencing the same?
Can you share a minimum example on TestNet which creates the issue?
Ideally it should contain a TEAL script and the list of goal
command / script you used, so we can easily reproduce the issue.
Did more tests, it doesn’t work with single tnx either. I’m not sure, how it worked several days ago. Here is the example on testnet.
TEAL code
#pragma version 5
// Handle each possible OnCompletion type. We don't have to worry about
// handling ClearState, because the ClearStateProgram will execute in that
// case, not the ApprovalProgram.
// check if the app is being created, if not save creator
int 0
txn ApplicationID // current stateful smart contract
bz not_creation
// Check Storage vars
txn GlobalNumUint
int 0
txn GlobalNumByteSlice
int 0
txn LocalNumUint
int 0
txn LocalNumByteSlice
int 0
bz failed
int 1
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bnz handle_noop
txn OnCompletion
int OptIn
bnz handle_optin
txn OnCompletion
int CloseOut
bnz handle_closeout
txn OnCompletion
int UpdateApplication
bnz handle_updateapp
txn OnCompletion
int DeleteApplication
bnz handle_deleteapp
// Unexpected OnCompletion value. Should be unreachable.
// Handle NoOp
txn Assets 0
store 0
txn Assets 1
store 1
load 0
asset_params_get AssetTotal
load 1
asset_params_get AssetTotal
load 0
asset_params_get AssetDecimals
load 1
asset_params_get AssetUnitName
b finished
// Handle OptIn
b finished
// Handle CloseOut
// By default, disallow updating or deleting the app. Add custom authorization
// logic below to allow updating or deletion in certain circumstances.
int 0
int 1
Randomly taken ASAs from testnet:
App call:
goal app call --app-id ${APPID} --from ${ACCOUNT1} --foreign-asset ${ASSET1} --foreign-asset ${ASSET2} --out=tt.tx
goal -v
3.0.1.stable [rel/stable] (commit #b619b940)
go-algorand is licensed with AGPLv3.0
source code available at https://github.com/algorand/go-algorand
goal node status
Last committed block: 17209432
Time since last block: 3.5s
Sync Time: 0.0s
Last consensus protocol: https://github.com/algorandfoundation/specs/tree/bc36005dbd776e6d1eaf0c560619bb183215645c
Next consensus protocol: https://github.com/algorandfoundation/specs/tree/bc36005dbd776e6d1eaf0c560619bb183215645c
Round for next consensus protocol: 17209433
Next consensus protocol supported: true
Last Catchpoint:
Genesis ID: testnet-v1.0
Genesis hash: SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=
asset_params_get returns 0s on each case.
How did you read the output of asset_params_get
Did you use the TEAL Debugger or dryrun?
I used TEAL debugger:
goal clerk dryrun -t tt.tx --dryrun-dump -o dr.msgp
tealdbg debug --remote-debugging-port 234 test.teal -d dr.msgp & socat tcp-listen:9392,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:234
It is most likely an issue with the debugger, not an issue with TEAL.
If you ran the transaction and, e.g., compared the asset total to the expected asset total, you would see it passes the test.
Regarding the debugger, can you try instead:
tealdbg debug --remote-debugging-port 234 test.teal -t tt.tx --painless & socat tcp-listen:9392,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:234
That debugger didn’t work either. But you are right, issue is with debugger. Tested by running transaction and it works as expected.
This bug seems to be / related to: