Yesterday, I installed node v. 131083 on a CentOS 7 server. It ran for a while, but then after some hours it stopped. Last line in node.log:
{“file”:“node.go”,“function”:“github.com/algorand/go-algorand/node.(*AlgorandFullNode).OnNewBlock”,“level”:“warning”,“line”:679,“msg”:“Cannot look up block 134259 for deleting ephemeral keys: ledger does not have entry”,“name”:"",“time”:“2019-04-17T02:23:21.635663+02:00”}
(The node.log has 10376 other lines of “Cannot look up block …”, not just at the time of the algod stopping.)
I though I’d report this as a bug, but which part of the “algorand” Github project does it pertain to?
Troels Arvin