TealInputError: Argument is not a PyTeal expression: (<pyteal.BinaryExpr object at 0x7fe7e08b8950>,)
"""Atomic Swap"""
secret = Bytes("base32", "2323232323232323")
timeout = 3000
def htlc(
tmpl_seller = alice,
tmpl_buyer = bob,
tmpl_fee = 1000,
tmpl_secret = secret,
tmpl_hash_fn = Sha256,
tmpl_timeout = timeout,
fee_cond = Txn.fee() < Int(tmpl_fee),
safety_cond = And(
Txn.type_enum() == TxnType.Payment,
Txn.close_remainder_to() == Global.zero_address(),
Txn.rekey_to() == Global.zero_address(),
recv_cond = And(Txn.receiver() == tmpl_seller, tmpl_hash_fn(Arg(0)) == tmpl_secret)
esc_cond = And(Txn.receiver() == tmpl_buyer, Txn.first_valid() > Int(tmpl_timeout))
return And(fee_cond,
Or(recv_cond, esc_cond))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(compileTeal(htlc(), mode = Mode.Signature, version = 2))
Welcome to Algorand!
You have a typo:
fee_cond = Txn.fee() < Int(tmpl_fee),
ends with a comma and hence fee_cond
is actually a tuple, which is the issue.
PS: I’ve modified your post so that the code is between triple back quotes ``` to facilitate reading the code.
PS2: It is in general better to include the full Python error. Here, we would see that the error is actually linked with return And(fee_cond,
from which it is much easier to see that the error stems from the comma.
PS3: This code is based on a very old version of TEAL/PyTEAL. In addition it is a smart signatures. Nowadays, you would most likely not use smart signatures but instead of smart contracts for most cases on Algorand. For a pure HTLC, it still may make sense to use smart signatures, but often you may want to go beyond a pure HTLC. In addition, nowadays, you should rather use Assert
. See PyTeal opcodes cost (Asserts vs And) - #2 by fabrice