xGov Proposal 159 - Dynamic Interest Stability and Zap Vaults Impl

Hey! Rich!
Leave AlgoRai out of this lol nothing wrong with AlgoRai!

Nothing wrong with the other’s either btw and Micheal Cotton is certainly not a red flag if you dig a little deeper under the surface of who have been operating behind the scenes on Algorand since it’s inception. If anything, if MC is involved at least you are guaranteed a certain level of expertise and experience without any of the controversy that is surrounding some VCs and Entrepreneurs in this space that I won’t name (where did those 2022 Bulls of Algorand all go???) but have basically abandoned this community entirely.

Asking questions isn’t wrong and I think it’s admirable what you and @lobo try to do as “voice of reason” for the community and gatekeepers of the xGov treasury. You’re both occasionally abrasive and borderline offensive though and jump to conclusions seemingly quickly. At the end of the day we talked about this on the spaces with NFOLDED last week as well - respect what people try to bring to an ecosystem and don’t make wild assumptions or claims unless you have evidence to back it up.


Yep because projects dont seem to care. By “jumping to conclusions” I force them to comment since they cant leave that statement as is. I am playing here a game as well and know what I am doing.

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Well if alienating people is your game you are a champ but given your inaccuracies over the past year I would certainly question your confidence. Also many of your public statements are viewed by folk outside of this ecosystem they are often negative and curt so both you and Rich are often (but not always) a net negative to the ecosystem.

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My comments may be inaccurate at times but the question is if that’s my fault or a general problem about projects being open about what is going on? If everyone would be super transparent about what is going on I would have all the information I need to make educated decisions.

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Which projects don’t care? You mean the ones still existing here, fighting to survive in a struggling ecosystem? I read your comments sometimes and wonder if you just want to flame everyone but vestige.

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Maybe Vestige is doing something right, ever thought about that? Maybe I can go to the Vestige people and they care about comments and are ready to discuss things openly and admit potential mistakes if there are any?

It’s your fault because you don’t enquire, you just run attacks without any enquiry or facts. Try asking civil questions and perhaps people would be more inclined to spend the time to have productive dialogue with you but the constant mud slinging and negative attacks, especially on established protocols that employ folk who are working at reduced rates and increased responsibilities to survive and keep the ecosystem moving is just irresponsible and counter productive.

They do lots of good things but so do most of the other projects you attack so it does seem a bit odd you circle the wagons everywhere else.

Most of the time projects seem to argue that we should be so happy that they still build at all on algorand and that’s right to a degree since it sucks for them, for all of us, but I am not ready to accept that I have to live with a mid ecosystem because that’s all I can get right now. I want good protocols to flourish, protocols that try their best and deliver on their promises. If they don’t deliver they should be open about it and state why they couldn’t at this time. As soon as something negative is said about those they become defensive tho. I see 0 self reflection of these projects, all they do is blame the bad state of the ecosystem.


Lobo is an Algorand Guardian.


You think any of us want to settle for a middy ecosystem? Do you work on any protocols in the ecosystem? How the hell do you know what they go through on a daily basis? The reason protocols get defensive is because they are trying to survive and attacking the way you do is going to cause folk to bite. Personally I hate coming to forums and seeing comments from you and rich, there have been times I decided not to even read your comments because they are so off the mark (I know many others feel the same way). Interestingly we all agree you have a good head on your shoulders and have a huge amount to offer. However nobody really wants to deal with you because of the attitude and ego. Just tone it down a bit mate and respect the fact we are all in this together, we are all frustrated asf and those of us who are stupid enough to still be pouring our damn souls into this place deserve the benefit of the doubt.
No that doesn’t mean you cant question and it certainly doesn’t mean we wont make mistakes but just have a little respect and consideration.


I can see he/she is passionate but there would be so much more they could offer the ecosystem if they just approached things with a little more consideration.


Lobo isn’t the one asking for ALGO.

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So what your saying is applying for x-gov grants gives folks the right to leave rational enquiry at the door and just go at it?
I would think having a more productive line of questioning before accusations are thrown would be beneficial. After all, are you not trying to ascertain if these funds are going to be a productive spend?

Bro everyone knows Lobo-tomy is a vestige shill or employee and has multiple accounts, Knox is probs
one of his. Don’t waste your time on these guys and those comments from @Richflairstv are just :see_no_evil:


Lets not resort to name calling


:saluting_face: just having a bit of fun

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Thanks for the response. MC. My questions towards xbacked could of been better for sure. My point of view is that, DeFi on Algorand has been less than profitable for many companies in the past and now. Which we have over 10 financial places to put our money. All maybe except for one or two create a profit, which still is not optimal. The market is hard to build in general especially a DeFi platform.

Expectations to take on such a tough task means you either have expertise and a plan or you have the capital to put forward to outlast the market. If a company has to extend themselves to proposals before they are up and running in a profitable way then this is not a good investment. This would be different if we only had a couple of options but we have tons of options. This is where my pessimism comes from. Algorand Ecosystem funds should not be used to prop up business to keep them alive unless its top 3 platforms in their lane. All platforms already have trouble staying relevant as it is, which shows the “hardships” many are facing.

I think xbacked is fighting for a niche (Collateralized Stable Coin) already in a niche business. Which to me is a waste of time as of right now, but if you have your own money then by all means do whatever you want. We are having onboarding issues let alone getting people to leverage their money in web3. Even the top degens dont do that. The last two years and for the foreseeable future have been building years plus there isn’t a demand from business investors and the customer, which has been stated by xBacked. This is not a knock on xback but the market conditions have always dictated financial opportunities especially DeFi. Even if this were to come to market tomorrow how many people would jump on it and push the rankings of xbacked? My answer is not that many based on too much competition, we are over saturated not just here but even in the NFT markets.

2024 is a pivotal year for Algorand and its dAPPs (Algo is out of top 20 of L1s). Algorand already has all the DeFi platforms we need to support our small ecosystem. Other L1s don’t have as many options for a reason. Typically this would be a sign of health but in our case this is hurting our already small ecosystem. As far as red flag comment, it has nothing to do with your credentials/expertise, my concern is if businesses are hiring the same people to advise our defi platforms then are we seeing the same strategy? I can make an argument, yes based on the terrible TDR proposals that were not only copy/paste but lacked anything that resembled growth. Maybe had nothing to do with you but not much thought and effort was put into it. TDR and the effort being put out by our top platforms isn’t great already. If all our financial businesses need advising already during this bear then there is smoke and fire will soon come. Natural to ask for advising yes but getting an advisor for a proposal aka handout money!? Its like me telling my friend to go get food stamps to help them out but doesnt help their cash flow issue. There is a bigger picture brewing, not too mention DeFi platforms who started up in 2020-21 have gone away. Imagine the success rate of something not in the top 10 in a ecosystem that isnt in the top 20 for L1s and not top 50 for all tokens.

So to wrap this up I will say if you cant market yourself (with some of the lowest expectations right now), you need financial help building small upgrades, and your not even in the top 5 then this probably isn’t a good time for anyone to build out a DeFi platform and AF should not put money in a project like this at the current market conditions. This forum is to ask the tough questions and express ourselves as a community, if you look at our past we have been robbed by many “projects”, we need a winning strategy right now. Like I said earlier 2024 is a pivotal year and we need to use our funds to market. Marketing on a larger scale can cost money and planning but on a small scale which 98% are operating on then they can easily be active in some fashion IF your asking for money. Also not trying to make any of this personal as im sure everyone is a great person, but just business, this doesn’t make sense.

As far as my personal strategy for Algorand DeFi its about partnerships, marketing campaigns and IRL hosting events right now and can be done at a ground level which are primarily free or close to it and just require time. The last announcements for our Defi platforms that received TDR where all made at the same time and everyone partnered with each other by force. Fact is they can do that all year long or work with one another to develop strategies. I didn’t go into detail but can if you want to know more what some of this may look like, let me now and I will expand more.

Im rooting for everyone building and trying to make it, but with resources dwindling in our ecosystem we need to be real as possible and the only place we have as a community that is starting to make a difference, is this forum. This should serve as why you need to come correct with ducks in a row to the forum, be ready for the tough questions and engage the community before or during its asking period. We are not the Algorand of 2019-2022 anymore. Hope everyone is having a great day.


Hahah I could of expressed my opinion differently. Will do better next go around.


To be clear the Advisors listed are advisors to the protocol not the proposal. The 2 authors were responsible for the proposal perhaps we should have made more obvious?