Debugger for Smart Contract

Hi everybody,
I’m working with Stateless Smart Contract using PyTeal.
I need to use a debugger for it, but the only way I found to use a debugger is through tealdgb.
My problem is I’m working on Windows, so, if I don’t wrong, I can’t install a node in which I can use toolkit like goal or tealdgb, without Docker. So, I’m using algosdk to replace it.

Is there another way to debug my Smart Contract on Windows? (Actually I’m just using PyCharm and algosdk)

Thank you!

Randlabs has a Windows version of the Algorand software: Compile and Run the Algorand Node Natively on Windows | Algorand Developer Portal

Another solution is to use this endpoint: v2 - Algorand Developer Portal
that should be similar to goal clerk dryrun.
With Python: v2client.algod — algosdk documentation