Hi, I created a Smart Contract (dApp) which then associated an app_id and an app_address. What I do is to execute a transaction every certain time from a certain sender account and use the address of app_address as the destination address, where in the note field of the transaction I go to put some data that I want to store. I wanted to know if it was possible through an AppCall to be able to extract the note fields of all these transactions created. For example, create a certain application call that extracts the transaction notes and loads them in a global/local state so that I can be able to extract them easily. Through AlgoExplorer, by entering the app_id in the search field, I can see the history of all the operations from the “Application Usage” field.
I would therefore like to know if there are any methods that I can use from the AppCall code to be able to extract these transactions and then extract the note field.