Last week I was lucky enough to go to ETHDenver and got to learn a ton of new developments in the Algorand Ecosystem, plus I got to know some brilliant people in the Algo ecosystem. I want to thank @barnji for showing me this repository for fixed-point arithmetic in Pyteal: pyteal-utils/ at fp-class · barnjamin/pyteal-utils · GitHub
I am having some trouble using the library in my code.
Goal: I want to divide two integers with a high degree of precision in order to get a percentage.
My code:
from pyteal import *
from .fp_arithmetic import fp_div, fp_mul, fp_to_ascii
def approval_program():
def divide_func():
numerator = Int(90)
denominator = Int(45000000000)
numerator_bytes = Itob(numerator)
denominator_bytes = Itob(denominator)
division_result = fp_div(numerator_bytes, denominator_bytes)
division_result_to_ascii = fp_to_ascii(division_result)
return Seq([
Log( division_result_to_ascii ),
The smart contract logs:
What am I doing wrong?