Folks Finance G10 Targeted DeFi Rewards Plan

Hello everyone,
Please find below our Targeted DeFi Rewards Plan for G10 period and the G9 TDR report
Folks Finance G10 TDR
Folks Finance G9 TDR report

Note: Some pools will have a higher allocation because they have been co-incentivised by our partners. I suggest you check their TDR plans.

Feel free to share your feedback,


Imo too much gets waisted on ALGO-gALGO pools to even make gALGO a viable LST + enable leverage gov with the help of lending pools. Looking at something like volume those pools don’t get utilized a lot, it’s just dead liquidity that is needed such that gALGO even works. Additionally, gALGO liquidity in general doesn’t “stick” since gALGO needs to be redeemed if you want to continue earning governance rewards. So those DEXs and FF will loose that liquidity immediately after governance ends.

29.33% of rewards are being used for gALGO-ALGO pools and only 16% for the most important one the stableswap pool on pact. Stableswaps are so efficient that the other incentivized lending pools on pact and tinyman dont help really with the stability of gALGO. Those lending pools help mostly with liquidity for users who want to use the heavily promoted “leveraged governance” which means it just enables milking even more governance rewards for those users. In the last period 9 those users did loose out on 10% of their rewards because people just use this product without thinking about potential risks it seems and the interest rates staying pretty high this time.

These gALGO-ALGO pools just pay existing algorand users to stay and farm defi boost incentives instead of having a real chance to attract new users. Also those users risk nothing as ALGO-gALGO is a safe bet besides smart contract risks.


i stongly agree with this statement. I’m pointing out same thing each period but not miuch changes :slight_smile: If anything i think less rewards are alocated towards stables this period.


Thank you for your valuable feedback @lobo @simonb and that of the community. The medium has been updated with a new allocation


Where is the marketing push towards new users? Propping up TVLs on pools is cool for ecosystem farming but don’t see any plans for new users.

Am I missing it?


The Community Coins Contest has as its main target the Algorand community, while with Zealy we are attracting outsiders

The Community Contest seems to raise pools for gAlgo while taking from other communities to do that. Just a business move to improve metrics for Folks Finance disguised as “community contest”.

Is there a way to show new users using your platform that weren’t using it before at all through this contest or just more TVL? Higher TVL does not prove new users/wallets

Do you have a link for Zealy? I tried to look guys up. I Would love to support any crosschain efforts folks is doing :slightly_smiling_face:

The aim of the Community Contest is to bring more users into both the Algorand DeFi and Folks Finance ecosystems, as it’s not just FF that benefits

Sure, here is the g10 Zealy contest article: FF G10 Zealy Contest

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What about the contest helps bring people in to Algorand? It’s a great contest for FF. I dont see any tags or news on onboarding new people

Thank you for the link. Just finished reading. Good to see this. Has this been published anywhere else?

Here is the tweet: + is being shared in other groups as well (the contest is already attracting users)

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Awesome. Do you guys have any metrics in place to show new addresses and or new users after the contest concludes?

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The cool thing about these tools is that everything is public, so you can see the “value” in terms of on-chain activity tasks and content provided by each user. Of course, we’ll make a report summarizing all these stats


Oh ok I thought “these tools” would of summarized in G9 TDR report. I see the leaderboard of Zealy but that does not define much information as to unique addresses. But if one is coming up soon, looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the response

If you click on the user’s profile, you can see the tasks they have completed. We’ll be adding G9 Zealy stats to the report in the next few days

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Ok great, Thank you.

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Be more inclusive in contests.

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