GP13 DeFi Rewards (TDR) Proposal - AlgoRai

Our proposal (165,795 ALGO) intends to bolster the various key assets on the AlgoRai protocol. We also aim to develop new offerings that not only uphold the core principles of AlgoRai but also appeal to a broader spectrum of users while adapting to market trends and conditions.

We’re enhancing the attractiveness of our vaults by boosting the yields of respective assets across the different types of vaults.

ALGO 18,000
mALGO 9,000
goBTC 18,000
goETH 18,000
$GOLD 18,000

The remaining amount is allocated to boost the various assets with the addition of $PEPE throughout the TDR13 period between October and December 2024.


The community cannot proceed with allocating TDR to Project X without first understanding what it entails.


Before this proposal is final, we’ll be able to share more.

If you can’t update us prior to feedback closing please remove as what’s written above makes the system a bit of a mockery “allocate majority of our rewards to a TrustMeBro idea”.

  1. I agree with all comments about the “trust me bro” project. That is a no go.

  2. why are there separate incentives for Algo vs. mAlgo vaults? Seems entirely redundant and it makes no sense to have a mAlgo Bear vault but not a Bull vault for the same. I would scrap that entirely.


mALGO and ALGO, as you know, follow the same price movement (within a small margin) - they’re still different assets though. Someone may hold one but not the other, so having separate vaults with each their own boost is simply to cater to a wider variety of holders.

mALGO doesn’t have a Bull vault because Bull vaults take in USDC.

On the “trust me bro” project - I agree this is little detail and we’ll hope to share more by the end of this week. Reality is, this proposal is due on very short notice however considering rewards only for Q4.

If I have a product scheduled to launch in December, it still falls inside Q4 and can benefit from this TDR, however I don’t want to reveal something 3 months prematurely and spoil my go-to-market schedule. So to find a middle ground, there will always be some ambiguity.


Explanation on the mALGO stuff makes sense to an extent. I’m not sure it warrants equal weight as the other vaults though.

Regarding the undisclosed project, I get the sneaking suspicion that this relates to consensus rewards somehow as several projects have something similar in their plans.

If I’m correct, and this involves some novel usage of consensus within a product, that’s one thing. But if platforms are just planning to spin up Reti pools and use TDR as a method to incentivize their own Reti pool, I would be very vocally against that.

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Project X is not consensus related.


Thanks for clarifying. I look forward to hearing what you have planned


Edit: Taken out Project X due to timeline ambiguity.


Thanks for the update Kev.