Hello all, I just deployed a HashiCorp Dedicated Vault to use for Secure Enclave transaction signing. If anyone has already done this and can provide high-level tips that would be awesome. My goal is to create a solution for programmatically generating wallets and signing transactions. The idea for this came from an excellent article about Enterprise KMS on Algorand that you can find here - Overcoming the biggest challenge in enterprise adoption of Web3 technology. I’ll be updating this post with my progress. Update: I’ve made it all the way to the ed25519 key import step, but no matter how I encode the cyphertext, it returns this error: “Code: 500
1 error occurred:
* provided type does not support public_key import”. Which is odd because I am not importing the publicKey. The cyphertext is just the wrapping_key and encoded_privatekey pem. No matter how I encode the pem it thinks I am trying to import the publicKey. Any ideas? This is the current encoding script I am using:
const crypto = require("crypto");
const privateKeyBase64 = "<ALGORAND_PRIVATE_KEY>";
const wrappingKeyPEM = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`;
function generateAESKey() {
return crypto.randomBytes(32); // 256-bit AES key
function encryptWithAES(aesKey, privateKey) {
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-256-cbc", aesKey, Buffer.alloc(16, 0));
let encrypted = cipher.update(privateKey);
encrypted = Buffer.concat([encrypted, cipher.final()]);
return encrypted;
function encryptAESKeyWithWrappingKey(wrappingKeyPEM, aesKey) {
return crypto.publicEncrypt(
key: wrappingKeyPEM,
padding: crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,
oaepHash: "sha256",
function createCiphertext(encryptedAESKey, encryptedPrivateKey) {
return Buffer.concat([encryptedAESKey, encryptedPrivateKey]);
function main() {
try {
const privateKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(privateKeyBase64, "base64");
// Generate AES Key
const aesKey = generateAESKey();
// Encrypt private key with AES
const encryptedPrivateKey = encryptWithAES(aesKey, privateKeyBuffer);
// Encrypt AES key with Vault's wrapping key
const encryptedAESKey = encryptAESKeyWithWrappingKey(wrappingKeyPEM, aesKey);
// Combine the AES-encrypted private key and RSA-encrypted AES key
const ciphertext = createCiphertext(encryptedAESKey, encryptedPrivateKey);
`vault write transit/keys/algorand-signing-key/import \\ ciphertext="${ciphertext.toString("base64")}" \\ hash_function="SHA256"`
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error.message);