I have a Docker container running my Django app.
I am using the development sandbox which uses Docker as well.
All the guides/tutorials i saw so far have python installed on the client instead, so that “goal” commands can be launched via terminal.
I am using python and pyteal, is there a way to avoid the use of the command line and talk directly to the sandbox container form my containerised app?
you must be using python SDK. to compile or deploy the smart contracts.
You need to configure algod and indexer to connect to your local sandbox environment.
look at connecting your client section in below article:
I can see how to start the sandbox with testenet network and when i do so the indexer appears disabled
do you know if there are tutorials to set this up?
also this tutorial doesnt explain how to create smart contracts, I only found tutorials explaining the interaction with goal commands. Do you know if there are any tutorials on this?
So to be clear, when i do ./sandbox testnet up, the container I create is the mean of communication to the testnet? so if i create an account it will persist?
is this the similar process to connect to the mainNet?
I have no issues using algoExplorer for read operation, but going to procudtion will we require to connect to MainNet via downloading a full node?
Yes, sandbox, like your own node or an API services, are just a mean to access the testnet/mainnet blockchain. If you send a transaction through it, it will stay forever on the blockchain.