I’m trying to verify the state of an application by inspecting the response of the application_info method call from the Python client. However, I’m not sure how to decode the variable values of type ‘bytes’, e.g.,
The original address is TJZ33M6SQ57HHPDF5TYHZKPFBI27NQ7XCREO6PR24B4IRPLEVFO7KOB2SM so I’m not sure why the decoded value differs in the last few characters.
$ python3 -c "import base64, sys, algosdk; [print(base64.b32encode(algosdk.encoding.decode_address(line.strip())).decode()) for line in sys.stdin if line.strip()]" <<< TJZ33M6SQ57HHPDF5TYHZKPFBI27NQ7XCREO6PR24B4IRPLEVFO7KOB2SM