Join the Official Algorand Discord Server!

Algorand has an official Discord server.

To join, click on this invite.

You need to enable your DMs just before joining if you disabled them.
After joining, the bot will DM you a link to solve a CAPTCHA.
After solving the CAPTCHA, you will be able to join the server (and you can disable your DMs subsequently).

We are very sorry for the inconvenience but we could not find any better way to prevent regular bot attacks against the server.

[EDIT 2021-12-03: the react to the welcome message has been changed to a CAPTCHA via DM]


  1. I see no messages or see a single channel: Check your DMs. You should have received a DM with a link to a CAPTCHA.
  2. I did not receive any DM: Check that your DMs are enabled:
  3. I still did not receive any DM: Leave the server, exit Discord, join again the server.
  4. It is still not working: Leave the server, exit Discord, open the Discord invite in a fresh Incognito window.
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I can’t see any channels at all, so I can’t go to the “welcome” channel.

Can you first check whether you received a DM from
If yes, you need to follow the instructions in the DM (there is a link to a CAPTCHA to solve).

If you disabled DM, please re-enable them just the time to join the server as this is a necessary precaution to filter spammers.

If this does not work, can you try to remove the server, logout, close completely Discord, and login again on Discord?
And then click again on the invite.

If this does not work, click on the + button on the right, then “Join a Server”, then copy-paste the invite.

I just checked my direct messages on Discord. No message from anyone like that.

Have you tried the other steps mentioned above?

I just tried the invite link again and this time I could see the #welcome channel and I got the message from the bot you mentioned. However, the message is completely empty so there are no instructions to follow:

This is strange, please DM me your Discord username and I’ll manually verify you.

hey same issue here; kinda fell off the algo chain and didnt realize the discord had some switch ups in October. Cant seem to get a message from the bot, nor did I a message from bot perviously. Tried to leave/rejoin 4 times with no luck. any help?

I’ve manually verified you.

Were you DM disabled?

No they werent, I went thru and checked. Googled and came across this thread, and even tried everything you mentioned in the post above.

I know my DMS are on (i get/imagine anyone with DMS on as well, atleast 500+ spam a day about joining someones trading pump/dump group lol)

EDIT: im in, thank you Fabrice!