MainNet & Testnet Upgrade to v2.0.2

Hi All,

An update on the Algorand upgrade to v2.0.2:

The upgrade will be available at approximately 10:00am ET on Monday 12/16/19 or approximately block 3,705,466. The release notes are public and viewable here: Algorand v2.0.2 Release Notes

MainNet and TestNet will both begin to be upgraded upon public availability at 10:00am ET. Depending on how quickly consensus is reached on accepting the upgrade there may be a temporary period where the two networks on different protocol versions (Upgrade on both networks upgrade starts after the voting threshold of 90% has been successfully reached). Based on feedback, we expect v2.0.2 to be accepted on MainNet in either the first or second voting window (Voting window length is 10k Blocks).

We will update here as the vote progresses or you may follow along on the blockchain or third party tools such as

Please note that the new upgrade-required window does not take effect until after this release. The upgrade-required window after voting acceptance of the upgrade will still be 10k blocks for this release.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions.