Newb need help setting up VS Code with AlgoSDK

I’ve followed several instructions online, and so far I got following done:

  • Installed WSL2 on Windows 10
  • From WSL2 terminal, installed sandbox, then installed js-algorand-sdk
  • Installed VS Code, then installed Algorand VS Code Extension

But on my very 1st line of code “const algosdk = require(‘algosdk’);” I’m getting Error: Cannot find module ‘algosdk’. Is there something else I need to install besides Algorand VS Code Extension?

Sorry for asking such a newb question, I’ve been googling for over a week, and tried various instructions and videos I could find.

How did you install js-algorand-sdk?

The simplest way is as follows:

  1. Install nodejs v16: distributions/ at master · nodesource/distributions · GitHub
  2. In the project, in WSL 2, folder run:
npm init
npm install algosdk
  1. Be sure to launch VSCode from within WSL2: Using WSL 2 with Visual Studio Code
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  1. Be sure to launch VSCode from within WSL2: [Using WSL 2 with Visual Studio Code

That was it. Thank you so much.