No synced node in Func

Hi guys
I just bought a mini PC (i5 with 500Gb SSD Nvme and 32Ram running Window 11 pro, My internet connection is 1Gb

i installed FUNC and created the service and complete the Account and KVs Procesing then the Verifying Account/KVs, but nothing progress in Blocks…
Any sugestion? i tryied 4 times with same result


@gulimaes check your account in
Check your validator status, whether status is online, eligible stake amount is yes and incentive fees paid is yes.


the problem is that i dont manage to synced in Func… After 10 minutes waiting i need to restart the service from the begining other 2-3 hours but never complete the synced part


Can you try again? There was an issue with fast catchup that has been remediated. The Blocks section should now catch up properly

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Hi, yes i started from the scratch and everything was fine now. Synced and creating blocks already


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Congrats. How long it took you till you confirmed your first block and how much you get paid 7% or 10%?


I got my first block about 24 hours after running… What do you mean? Every block is 10 Algos…


You’re right. 10 Algos per block.

24hrs is super fast. Great. Thank you for the reply.


Hello. I’m having the same problem, the node I created is not syncing. When you write, start from scratch, I don’t seem to be able to. I’ve stopped the node, removed the service, and uninstalled the FUNC app, as recommended elsewhere. When I reinstall the FUNC app and select start a service, it opens up the same node I created before, in orange (non synced) and doesn’t open up the “fast catchup” syncing. I appear to be stuck. Please help.


How can one “try again?” I’ve attempted to stop, remove, uninstall, and redo the entire process. Each time it opens the same node I originally created, but still is not synced and there is no “fast catchup” to allow for re-syncing.


Can you provide the steps you used to start from scratch. I’ve been unable to to this. Thanks.

Hi, that´s all.

Stop the node, remove the service and delete Node Data.

are you sure your are deleting Node Data?

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Turns out I just needed to wait longer for the node to sync, I guess. Because when I came back to try to re-install it again, it was synced. Thanks.

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Please disregard. It synced after all.