No synced node in Func

Hi guys
I just bought a mini PC (i5 with 500Gb SSD Nvme and 32Ram running Window 11 pro, My internet connection is 1Gb

i installed FUNC and created the service and complete the Account and KVs Procesing then the Verifying Account/KVs, but nothing progress in Blocks…
Any sugestion? i tryied 4 times with same result


@gulimaes check your account in
Check your validator status, whether status is online, eligible stake amount is yes and incentive fees paid is yes.

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the problem is that i dont manage to synced in Func… After 10 minutes waiting i need to restart the service from the begining other 2-3 hours but never complete the synced part


Can you try again? There was an issue with fast catchup that has been remediated. The Blocks section should now catch up properly

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Hi, yes i started from the scratch and everything was fine now. Synced and creating blocks already


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Congrats. How long it took you till you confirmed your first block and how much you get paid 7% or 10%?

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I got my first block about 24 hours after running… What do you mean? Every block is 10 Algos…

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You’re right. 10 Algos per block.

24hrs is super fast. Great. Thank you for the reply.

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Hello. I’m having the same problem, the node I created is not syncing. When you write, start from scratch, I don’t seem to be able to. I’ve stopped the node, removed the service, and uninstalled the FUNC app, as recommended elsewhere. When I reinstall the FUNC app and select start a service, it opens up the same node I created before, in orange (non synced) and doesn’t open up the “fast catchup” syncing. I appear to be stuck. Please help.

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How can one “try again?” I’ve attempted to stop, remove, uninstall, and redo the entire process. Each time it opens the same node I originally created, but still is not synced and there is no “fast catchup” to allow for re-syncing.

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Can you provide the steps you used to start from scratch. I’ve been unable to to this. Thanks.

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Hi, that´s all.

Stop the node, remove the service and delete Node Data.

are you sure your are deleting Node Data?

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Turns out I just needed to wait longer for the node to sync, I guess. Because when I came back to try to re-install it again, it was synced. Thanks.

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Please disregard. It synced after all.

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