Public node for REST API

Do you have any public node to test the REST API?

I understand this would be complicated since its information would be shared by many people (API key, accounts), but, aside from simpler testing, it would also be interesting to see if a node can do multithreading.

It’s also useful for those who use Windows.

Currently, we have not exposed this yet, but we will for one of the TestNet nodes in the near future. When we get this opened, I would love to see your testing results!

Is there any public node endpoint is available to get transaction data/ transaction receipt?

You can use the algo explorer:

Or if you want to use an SDK, Purestake has an API as a service:


Thank you for the reference to PureStake, but I founded some path at:
Is there any host, which will be helpful to execute given paths?

We do not have a public site up for the REST api. You can start your own node and use those REST paths though. The PureStake link also uses those calls.

@JasonW, I got the API keys from Pure stack but not able to connect it with my SDK, because it requires IP(Host) and Port number. For host can use URL defined by pure stack but not able to get port.
Is pureStack API working on javaScriptSDK?

rdrk - There are examples here, using PureStake and the JS SDK - (

A sample request to PureStake TestNet might start like:

const algosdk = require('algosdk');
const baseServer = "URL TO API"
const port = "";
const token = {
    'X-API-Key': 'YOUR API KEY'

const algodclient = new algosdk.Algod(token, baseServer, port);

You can also use algoexplorer API:
For example, to get last 100 transactions of an address:

The same logic works on mainnet.

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@pipaman, algoExplorer API worked as expected. Thank you! It helped a lot.

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