Sand box not being up using command ./sandbox up testnet

Hey @fabrice @liz

  • OS - Mac 2017 pro (intel chip)
  • Docker version - Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
  • Docker compose - docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c

I cloned the repo of sandbox from GitHub - algorand/sandbox: Algorand node sandbox
entered into the dir using cd sandbox

ran the command:
$ ./sandbox up testnet

I got this error:

the following did not start:

  • algorand node
  • indexer node
    One or more services failed to start.

I noticed you are running the script, but that is not part of the Sandbox repo. Please, head back to your sandbox directory, then clean it up:
./sandbox clean

Next, let’s get the verbose output so we can see what/why failed to start:
./sandbox up testnet -v

There will be lots of stuff output. Please paste back any errors found.