I want to know if there is a way for secure way of deployment contract in Algorand.
For example in others chains, i can use hardware wallet and some online ide (remix for example) to have a secure wallet for deployment, rather than create a private key in local and lack of security, then run script.
I want to know if there are a similar way like that in Algorand? some tool support sign/submit txn/deployment with hardware wallet?
use any of the standard dApp wallet (AlgoSigner, MyAlgoConnect, or WalletConnect). This requires a frontend in JS deploying the application.
use kmd API which essentially allows you to do all the goal account ... commands and goal clerk sign related commands. In particular it should allow you to access a Ledger Wallet (Though I have not tested it via the API but just the goal command line): kmd — algosdk documentation
Note however that for very secure deployment, I would most likely not recommend to just use a hardware wallet but to think of more advanced security, such as using multisig.