SOLVED: local node stuck at block 105634

I’m unable to sync to BetaNet. I’m new to Algorand so any advice is appreciated

goal node status shows “Has Synced Since Startup: false”, and goal account list shows “[offline]”.

Here’s goal node status:

Last committed block: 105634
Time since last block: 1116.4s
Sync Time: 0.0s
Last consensus protocol:
Next consensus protocol:
Round for next consensus protocol: 105635
Next consensus protocol supported: true
Has Synced Since Startup: false
Genesis ID: betanet-v1.0
Genesis hash: mFgazF+2uRS1tMiL9dsj01hJGySEmPN28B/TjjvpVW0=

Thanks in advance for any help!

Almost this exact thing happened to my team - it boiled down to us getting the wrong version of the beta client, 1.0.30 beta instead of 1.1.4.beta during the upgrade. Re-run the updater script and it should update to the correct version and move beyond the ‘cursed’ block 105635.

To check run algod -v, the below shows the incorrect output

algod -v
1.0.30.beta [rel/beta] (commit #feac86aa)
go-algorand is licensed with AGPLv3.0

It does appear to be stuck at block 105635, even if I restart.

what is “correct” for algod -v? Here’s what my system shows:

$ algod -v
1.1.52519.master [master] (commit #b03f11dd)
go-algorand is licensed with AGPLv3.0
source code available at

I’ve checked out rel/beta (instead of master). I’m able to sync past block 105635.

(Although as I write this, I haven’t yet fully synced. I hope it is just a matter of time.)

$ algod -v
1.1.4.beta [rel/beta] (commit #e8ef805d)
go-algorand is licensed with AGPLv3.0
source code available at

$ goal node status
Last committed block: 154242
Time since last block: 0.0s
Sync Time: 136.7s
Last consensus protocol:
Next consensus protocol:
Round for next consensus protocol: 154243
Next consensus protocol supported: true
Has Synced Since Startup: false
Genesis ID: betanet-v1.0
Genesis hash: mFgazF+2uRS1tMiL9dsj01hJGySEmPN28B/TjjvpVW0=

Thanks for the help!

@d10, it looks that originally you had version 1.1.52519.master, which is a private build, followed by a betanet 1.1.4 release.

Given that the beta network is evolving frequently, I’d suggest that you’ll stick with the official beta releases. ( i.e. ) rather than self-compiling from master. If you really want to compile the beta yourself, pick the rel/beta branch.