Using the .NET SDK, How can I create a Contact App on the Algorand Blockchain. Examples Please

Good All,
I have thought about this, but let me see if it is possible because I think the .NET SDK for Algorand is very limited in what it can do, I love to be proved wrong here. So using the .NET SDK, How can I create a Contact App on the Algorand Blockchain. Examples Please

Specifically how to correctly code the following using .NET SDK

  1. Note field searching (This is probably the best way to store contacts)
  2. Paginated results
  3. Search assets
  4. Search applications
  5. Lookup application
  1. Class LookupApi | Dotnet Algorand Documents is your best bet for note field searching
  1. Class LookupApi | Dotnet Algorand Documents is how to look up an asset by its id, Class SearchApi | Dotnet Algorand Documents is how to look for asset with filters

4 and 5. Class LookupApi | Dotnet Algorand Documents can find apps by their id, Class SearchApi | Dotnet Algorand Documents is the “search api” version. Isn’t much different.

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Wow, thanks a million Ncoin. I appreciate it. :+1: :+1:

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Use the latest SDK FrankSzendzielarz (Frank Szendzielarz) · GitHub

Ok FrankS, I will check it out. Thanks