ID: 153
Period: 3
Title: Neighborhood Vehicle Share -mobility as a service application-
Author: William H. (@dangnangdang)
Discussions to: here and Reddit - Dive into anything
Company Name: Lifeshare Revolution/Coollife
Category: dApps
Focus area: Deployment
Open Source: No
Amount requested: 300000
Status: Final
This project aims to transform vehicle rental/operation for members of society who have not previously been able to afford such a luxury. This is not the tokenization of assets explicitly, but a rather similar idea functionally.
Project manager: B.A. of Business Administration with a degree in Business Management. Technical Advisor: Ph. D in Computer Science. We are both physically in Texas, USA. Developer: We will use contractors until the point in time whereby the dApp is required to be created/maintained. We are hoping to trade equity to a trusted group of unicorn developers when that time comes.
Experience with Algorand
We have minted our ASA and we have two to choose from. One has 4B total supply and one has 8B - both are adequately positioned pricewise to offer a low entry point to investors during the token presale.
Present Proposal
Phase 1 - Grant proposal, incorporation & legal/accounting setup, token presale - given the costs associated with these items, the passing of this proposal is necessary for the advancement of the project. Phase 2 - R&D the compatibility/integration aspect of the member’s cellphone being the key to the vehicle. Phase 3 - R&D the modification/re-programming necessary of the vehicle’s on-board computer allowing monitoring and communicating via the vehicle’s on-board wifi - i.e. who is authorized operator, location, gas level, etc. Phase 4 - Project rollout in one major metropolitan area - currently thought to be in either Latin America or India. Phase 5 - Expand as the financial health of the company allows.
The end product/subscription is aptly categorized as mobility-as-a-service. The member will have the privilege of using a motor vehicle for two separate 90 minute blocks per day - that they are allowed to reserve.
Their length of subscription will determine the hierarchy of reservation - meaning they will get the same ‘place in line’ every reservation sign-up period opening. It’s is thought that 3 vehicles will be in the designated location - or at least 2, to allow for some inevitable friction within the operational environment. The daily cost to these members will be around 60-80% of the local one-way rideshare cost. We envision young people starting out - either in a committed relationship or just friendships - being able to chauffeur one another to work/errands. We share Algorand’s goal of making better-life things possible.
Future Blueprint
We have a 3-4 year plan to have vehicles available to the end-user/subscriber. Then we hope to expand as the financial health of the company allows from year 4-5 onward. This is the reason it is currently considered desirable to only presale a maximum of 10% of the company’s shares/tokens. Our currently proposed pricing/entry point easily allows for $6 million to be generated from the sale of this percentage. This is deemed enough to fund the project through phase 3.
Benefits for the community
The benefits to the community are difficult to overstate. Lots of new wallets, lots of MRB/Vs, lots of opt-ins to USDCgo, robust support to the Algorand defy sector, and of course daily transaction volume. We plan to use a WEB3 payments widget on the presale website - which I’ve received estimates of over $20,000 + 5% commission as the cost associated with this and is a critical element prompting the necessity of this grant - to require a double transaction to/with Algorand for a minimum of USDC or STBL to enter the contract along with the Algorand -ALGOs, to swap for our token.
Additional information
We will not offer/sell our token in the United States. We have a marketing strategy and website to target native Spanish speakers. The proposed project manager is a fluent Spanish speaker. Cool life in Spanish is vida chida and is all ours!
The proposed project manager cashed out his government retirement account to invest around $20,000 in the project’s establishment/success. The community should be reassured that we’ve plenty of personal ‘skin in the game’. The ALGOs requested are needed for 3 things primarily: the previously mentioned widget for the token presale website, incorporation costs in a tax-friendlier jurisdiction, and marketing costs associated with directing traffic to the presale website. Therefore, 80% of the requested ALGOs are requested immediately to cover items 1 and 2. The last 20% can be released after proof of success regarding the widget and incorporation if that’s deemed desirable by the keepers of the ALGOs.
We plan to use an NFT as the membership card to our service. The NFT/cellphone also serves as the keys to the vehicle by utilizing the vehicle’s internet connection in combination with the cellphone’s NFC technology. This NFT will require an amount of our ASA to be burned to create - which will create a steady supply of market token buyers. If it’s deemed a subscription to the dApp is better functionally, then say maybe half of the fee will automatically be used to burn tokens off the open market.
This is not some meme or moonshot coin. Our ASA - in the beginning - is tantamount to new shares of stock in a company. Our plan is tenable and our vision is supernatural. We believe is a perfect trial use-case for this wonderful technology - thanks SM!