xGov Proposal -150 - Cross-Chain community promotion and collaberation

This proposal could be improved by setting up a roadmap of steps you will take. Some kind of actionable plan with deadlines. This is just a trust me bro proposal.

id: 150
period: 3
title: Cross Chain Community Collaboration
author: Linnen (@ambassador-linnen)
discussions-to: https://twitter.com/ambassadorsalgo
company_name: ambassadors.algo
category: Community
focus_area: Social
open_source: No
amount_requested: 15000
status: Final


We are a group of ambassadors who have been running cross project collaberations on algorand for over a year.
We Have partnered with several well known algorand projects to produce giveaways, NFT collabs, twitter spaces, discord games and twitch streams.
We Propose to use this grant to continue with this work across multiple blockchains including Solana, Ethereum, Polygon and more.
This wil help us to onboard new users to algorand who are already in the web3 space. We expect they will continue to participate
in the ecosystem beyond our involvment once they realise the smooth user experience of Algorand as well as the speed and cost of transaction.
This wil benefit the whole ecosystem.


We are a group of 5 who have been participating in the algorand eccosystem since launch. Over the last years we have successfully taken on several collaberatin projects
and have recently ran a weekly cross chain poker event. This, we feel is the tip of the iceberg for what we can do.

Experience with Algorand

Extensive use and experience of the Algorand eccosystem as wll as social media and previous collaberations.

Present Proposal

We plan to use this grant to step up our cross chain activities to onboard new users to the eccosystem.
This could include social media collaberations, streams, community incentives and NFT collaberations.

Future Blueprint

This is a one off proposal but we may look to extend this in future.

Benefits for the community

We strongly believe the entire community will benefit from this as we have already seen how collaberations across communitites
can onboard new users and grow the user base of the eccosystem

Additional information
