Access to the wallet through a private key

Just follow How to recover my wallet with 24 word mnemonic - #6 by fabrice using only the first 64 characters of the key:

$ echo -n 37058964e07078cfb758d392b52be782e96db1bbfd14720f105f25ef29ac8adb | xxd -r -p > key
$ algokey export -f key
Private key mnemonic: plunge catch crane asthma valley video shield spy rather put inform oblige swift unable universe belt unusual dizzy question venture fatigue prison sword absorb patch

The resulting private key 25-word mnemonic can be imported in most Algorand wallets.

Disclaimer : Typing passphrases and private keys on a computer may open you to attacks that are not possible on the Coinomi hardware. Algorand makes no representations regarding the functioning or security of third party wallets, exchanges, or tools mentioned in the answer above, and disclaims any liability therefor. You are fully responsible for the security and the availability of your keys.