Algorand Node stopped syncing - v3.9.4

Hello @fabrice ,

I need your help again on the node issue .

My node stopped syncing at v3.9.4 , then i tried checking the node.log folder and also my docker container folder which did not had much clue but below logs

Telemetry Disabled
Logging Starting
Telemetry Disabled
Logging Starting
Telemetry Disabled
Logging Starting
Telemetry Disabled
Logging Starting
Telemetry Disabled

I upgraded the node to v3.14.2 and upgrade was successful but found the below 2 issues now.

  1. Node stopped syncing
  2. Node has stopped responding to v1 queries , but responds to v2 queries . Adding the details for v2 status query

I tried - goal version -d /var/lib/algorand/ it gives a response [v2]

config.json contents

    "Archival": true,
    "GossipFanout": 4,
    "BaseLoggerDebugLevel": 1,
    "NetAddress": "",
    "EndpointAddress": "",
    "LogSizeLimit": 1073741824,
    "EnableMetricReporting": false,
    "EnableOutgoingNetworkMessageFiltering": true,
    "EnableIncomingMessageFilter": false,
    "CatchupParallelBlocks": 50,
    "Version": 12,
    "DNSSecurityFlags": 0

Docker file contents:

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y gnupg2 curl software-properties-common
RUN curl -O
RUN apt-key add
RUN add-apt-repository "deb stable main"
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y algorand

VOLUME ["/var/lib/algorand"]
EXPOSE 8887 8886 4160
ENTRYPOINT ["algod"]

Can you please help here

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This part is normal.
v1 has been removed from 3.14.2 as it has been deprecated for a couple of years now.
If you still need v1, you can buy a very little time by downgrading to the last 3.13.x version.
But this will be temporary.
Next consensus upgrade will remove v1 completely.

This part is not normal.
Can you show the output of:

export ALGORAND_DATA=/var/lib/algorand
goal node status
goal version -v
goal node stop
goal node start
sleep 10
goal node status

as well as the new node.log.

Can you check that the owner of /var/lib/algorand (that you can get with ls -lha /var/lib/algorand) is also the user running the above commands? If not, you need to add sudo -u algorand -E in front of all the commands above.

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Btw why dont u use the official docker image provided by algorand?

I do use the official image and have little customisations so that it does not run in root env…

This is my config AlgorandNodes/config.json at main · scholtz/AlgorandNodes · GitHub … I prefer to take the defaults from the algod

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@fabrice it works now , thanks. I guess it was matter of sometime.

But i am still sharing the goal commands .