Algorand Payment QR Generator

A comprehensive JavaScript module with a complete set of tools to generate an standard Algorand URI (RFC 3986) and QR code, exportable to SVG, PNG and UTF8. Exported media types are File, UTF8 text and DataURL. Works in Terminal, Node and modern browsers. Contains a full set of examples including API server, static server and web form QR generator. Includes a full featured CLI to generate QR codes in terminals too.
GitHub Repository
NPM Package

Use it for development, testing or production usage and enjoy it. Please do not forget to be generous and click star this repo on GitHub.

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Has there been some release of offical algo wallet that support this? I have suggested this some time ago, but in my android algo wallet the note is not filled in from your code…

Thanks Ludovit,
The note and asset fields show some issues on scanner and I confirm that, I started this post in forum just to address that issue by getting some usage results from other dear techs like yourself,
Can you be kind and check the result AlgorandURI string to see if the problem is with the URI or the scanner feature on Algorand Wallet which I personally think is the case here.
The module generates the string format everywhere in console and UI so that you and other developers and experts can kindly check that.

In answer to your first question I must say It’s the other way around , I tried to support everything the Algorand Wallet has to offer based on references already reachable through GitHub readme and NPM package description.

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the uri seems correct … algorand://LP…7Q?label=emg…

I expect to see the note filled in in the algo wallet with the label…

This way i could generate qr code for micropayment and match in on website with the real payment (no algo signer required)

The only thing is to implement it in algo wallets… Hope to see the source code soon… This is also the thing that might be changed there so easy but algo inc is protecting it for some unknown reason…


Doesn’t seem to be working on android 4.9.0 yet

Thanks for following up!
Happily, This is solved on the library side without the need for Algorand Wallet to change anything immediately.
1- the HTML Escaping has become optional in algorand-qrcode library
2- The label & amount has been controlled not to take effect into URI generation together(If amount is present the label property is omitted)

Does this mean I need to escape the & when not using the

Hi again, the library has changed name as is :
github: GitHub - emg110/algorand-qrcode: Algorand QR Code generator is a JavaScript module that outputs an standard QR code (exportable to SVG, PNG and Base64) from a JSON object. It works in terminal, NodeJS and modern browsers. Complies to Algorand ABNF Grammar and RFC 3986.
npm: algorand-qrcode - npm

and when using the library it does not escape HTML by default and if you want to activate it (e.g. for usage with your own customized wallet or QR Code scanner app code), use “html” option (–html in CLI and {html: true} in code) and the output will be html escaped on label and note fields.

Please do not hesitate to contact via GitHub issues if any problem surfaces or if you may have other questions or feature requests.

Dear g.v.tjongahung
Thanks for your interest in subject, I appreciate it.
Have you got your answer and notified about the library changing name!
There are many new features like React components coming up , have a look on what’s available and what will be on algorand-qrcode GitHub repo.

I am trying to figure out how to load a completed page after the transaction completes, is this possible?