Algorand Smart Contracts with Clarity

Can we make Algorand Smart Contracts with Clarity.

As per randlabs

Algorand’s programming languages, TEAL and Clarity, are decidable with low complexity. What you want it to do is what it will do.

As per Algorand (

and As per Clarity (

No compiler

Contracts written in Clarity are broadcasted on the blockchain exactly as they are written by developers. This ensures that the code developers wrote, analyzed, and tested, is exactly what gets executed.

Could you please help regarding this confusion

Currently, Clarity is not yet supported.

You can write smart contract with:


As per line

We are also actively working on compiler.

does it mean interpreter because as per clarity (No compiler)?

Hi, is there any update on supporting Clarity?

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As per the design principle followed by clarity (as documented in their home page): I quote: " Clarity is interpreted (not compiled) & the source code is published on the blockchain."

So, IMHO, clarity language should be used as in the L2 (layer 2), and not break the concept of transparency by compiling it to Algo VM .