this forum should be open to all holders and not just shills that only propagate the Foundation’s ideology (whatever it is).
Algorand Foundation is just not hungry to gain market share, it took a passive role during bull market by pushing the narrative “build and they will come” whilst spending hundreds of millions in sponsorships that went nowhere for adoption. The cost of adding an additional active user must be in the tens of thousands per user. not even Google and afford this, let alone the only “income” for the Foundation is by selling ALGO.
The passive plan didn’t work and now we have less users, less funds to throw around and all we have is the “best tech” narrative. why do we need the entire team when they have done nothing but depleting funds? all we need is the dev team and thats it because others are dead weight - 4 years of attending WEF / Seminars etc. i have not heard 1 person that has been able to justify why Staci put down $15M on her charity bike sponsorship - yet we are here justifying the Foundation is doing good work?
not that it matters because the culture has been so inbred to accepting whatever the Foundation/Inc throw at the community even if its dog crap and the shills will somehow justify it as being good. as the Ambassador program winds down and less and less people are involved people will be left scratching their heads what Algorand has achieved in bringing in the masses to blockchain. and it will be a big fat ZERO.
Wouldn’t it be great if the Algo Foundation had a Twitter Spaces to get us up to speed on what they are and are not doing and why? I think that would tamp down a lot of speculation and rumors.
Hi @mmorselli, thanks for making algo inc accounts publicly available. I have done the same with the vote coin… Vote coin DAOs addresses can be found by making api calls … When i tried to enlist to CoinMarketCap, i think they required such endpoint. After that we used it in our DeFi reports which is good for transparency.
However, I believe that you did not dissolve my doubt. I was speaking about small group of people overruling algorand governance because the small amount of whales can decide anything.
I believe there should be much more transparency on who gets grants… Since I have done that statement Algorand Foundation has put on governance decision the sum of how xgovs will redistribute grants. They have public discussions on how xgovs should work to distribute this amount, for example at this .
Btw from what I heared or read somewhere, there should be transformation of the algorand foundation not to give grants but to be investment type of company. In my opinon this is very good because grants are quite short timed focused. For example from grant for VoteCoin, i have brought encrypted voting to live, but i am not able to start the long term sustainable company from it. On the other side, if there would be opportunity to get investment, get more money and hire developers, the product can be turned into profitable business and foundation may have long term dividends from it.
To conclude, i believe we need more transparency, and I see the current route to be at good direction, but we need to take bigger steps.
In an ideal world that would happen regularly. However, I have a feeling it wouldn’t work out to well. Did you watch the interview Staci gave during Decipher? When she was asked about her goals and vision for Algorand she started giving a vague speech about Silvio Micali. It was bad. Now imagine her having to answer questions from the community. It wouldn’t take too long for everyone to realize how miniscule their accomplishments are (if there are any).
Foundations in crypto space should be focused on building the community and promoting the technology. Yet, Algorand Foundation selects a CEO that has investment banking background. That speaks for itself.
I wouldn’t mind going even a step further (for xgovs or for people wanting to dedicate themselves more to contribute to the ecosystem as investors) and set it up via Zoom or screen-sharing environment where people can present w PPTs and etc. If Foundation is intending to provide roles for investors to function bigger than just being a sideline trader, we ought to use the existing mgmt resources that cefi entreprise is using to operate in the highest production mode with efficiency as possible.
Not exactly how this XGov system will roll out, but I assume interested people will be “employed” with assigned tasks, preferably with due dates, like some min. expectations to hold these random joes up to a S&P500 standard. I believe there’s a demand from many ALGO investors to wanting to have this as a permanent “passive income” as much as possible. In this regard, I’m not sure why they’re not using the Bounty program more - could help out some freelancers out there. Algodev Bounties | Gitcoin
Members of the Foundation do Twitter Spaces all the time. What is embarrassing is having people ask irrelevant questions and going off on crazy tangents during a focused conversations in said Spaces about…xGov for instance. If I were AF I wouldn’t open myself up to that regularly either, but they do.
they do one way announcements, whenever there is a question they either go unnoticed (intentionally) or the CEO blocks the account because its considered FUD
the point is people do not want to spend time having fear uncertainty or doubt but Warden’s reckless spending on things that do not grow the ecosystem is alarming. but since she is 1/3 in the board of directors there is virtually no need for accountability
I sold my Algorand because I had no faith in the project due to the unsolved problem regarding relay nodes incentivization. No good answers when I asked the community. Just kicking the can down the road. So I considered Algorand as garbage. Now that it looks like the problem will be solved with that gossipsub stuff, I think Algorand is interesting again. True decentralization instead of just a few select nodes chosen by the Algorand team to get rewards.It would be very interesting if Algorand had a good looking DEX and some concentrated liquidity pools. Basically I want the ecosystem to be more like Solana.
I like Drift.Okay liquidity for me. I hope that Algorand will get a decent limit order book dex. And concentrated liquidity pools for AMMs. I don’t think there is any on Algorand, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I think AlgoDex is a limit order book, but I could be wrong. I have not used their platform.
I am more interested in seeing use and real world applications than liquidity. DeFi on Algorand is not great and focusing more resources there won’t help IMO because of the structure and distribution of ALGO. But, I think if there was real world adoption, that could accelerate growth far because what could be done with DeFi. But, your point is well taken.
I believe John woods is the only thing that is keeping this project afloat ! - just …. Bless you John woods
They hired someone from guru from Nike!! Said Staci a while back - does she even still work for Algorand as I cannot even think of any contribution from a marketing perspective that has come to light ??
Even Staci said herself -we don’t care about the price
@mmorselli would you mind running your script again? I think Algorand technologies (inc) has already sold the majority if not all Algos! That’s probably why they stopped publishing the transparency report.
Do you know why they are selling so aggressively (See here)? Do they want to get rid of them ASAP because of regulatory concerns, or desperately need the funds, or something else? I don’t see any other major seller at this size or even close. That means that Algorand technologies alone is suppressing the price and pushing Algorand down in the market cap list. I have a hard time justifying it in any way.