ASA Token Distribution

hi, a complete newbie here but excited to be learning.

if I have a community asset (ASA), what would be the best way to automate airdrops of your tokens to the holders?

thank you for your help!

This is an issue I am curious about as users have to first Opt-In to an ASA. However, once they have done this, there is a great community tool at

Basically, Opt-In function for ASA is an anti-Spam protection.


At the VoteCoin we use AlgorandAMMStakingBot/appsettings.json at master · scholtz/AlgorandAMMStakingBot · GitHub to give out 10% apy to all account holders each hour, and 50% apy of vote coins held by owner of lp tokens of selected AMM pools

it is prefered to be run in secure k8s environment…
Docker image: Docker

Also i have used GitHub - scholtz/AirdropAlgorandASA to airdrop NFT tickets for event to anybody who just opt in.

docker image: Docker