Operating system, Ubuntu 18.04TLS, on a cloud server, login in as user root, #
Today I created a partition key file, *.2774800.2778000.partkey, it is put into the folder /var/lib/algorand/mainnet-v1.0
Then , “goal account changeonlinestatus -a * -o=1”, this succeeded on my cloud server. (algoexplorer.io showed ‘offlline’ status originally, and then switched to ‘online’)
Then after some time, the ‘goal node status’ command does not work, the prompted message is: Cannot contact Algorand node: open /var/lib/algorand/algod.net: no such file or directory.
Then I deleted the .partkey file in the folder /var/lib/algorand/mainnet-v1.0, the command ‘goal node status’ work normally again.
I do not know why. If you know it, please paste your answer here. Thanks.
I guess, maybe because the lastvalidround is passed already, so the .partkey file should not exist in the folder. I am going to test it again.