How can I associate my application in flutterflow/flutter to the blockchain through APIs?

Hello friends, I am a developer with a background in data science and mobile development with Flutter, not in web development except for basic things in frond end. I am starting to explore web 3, Algorand seemed interesting to me.

We have created an application that has authentication, comments, etc., with Flutterflow using Firebase. It is already in production and we have initial clients. Transactions are made in a gamified system with tokens whose values ​​are stored in Firebase. Now, we want to save those points in the blockchain for the properties it has, especially immutability and traceability. We want to create a token and associate a blockchain address with each Firebase account, to know how many tokens each user has.

I emphasize that we already have the app made with the centralized system. We came up with 2 things:

  1. Use Firebase cloud functions to connect algorand to firebase or
  2. Flutterflow allows making calls to APIs. Therefore, another option we thought of is to create our own backend where we have Algorand and associate it with Flutterflow through an API. So every time a user sends tokens, an order is sent to the blockchain to do it through that means as well, then a copy of the transaction is received in Firebase.

I don’t know if this strategy works and, above all, I don’t know what kind of technologies I need to learn to build such a scheme. I have reviewed the documentation for Algo SDK and Algo kit and I haven’t had many problems using it following the tutorials. The problem is that I don’t know how to implement it in my already built project.

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