Is there a way to get more Algos from the dispenser?

I am currently using the TestNet but I need more Algos and currently the dispensers I have found are not giving me more than 10 Algos at a time, which is very slow as I need about ~1000 Algos to test some smart contracts. Is there any other dispenser that gives more Algos or is there a way to get more Algos?

Currently I have been using:

Please send me your account address by DM.

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I am trying to but I get an error saying that I cannot send a message to you.

I wonder if he’s looking for an edge on NFDomains testnet buys. :rofl:

Hello everybody!

We are working on a auction project. As you know, this process involves a large quantity of tokens to bid and try to simulate the real process. We would like to know if you can give us a hand send us some Algo’s to test our solution. @fabrice .

Thank you very much!

@Nicopasquali We do occasionally offer projects a larger quantity of testnet ALGOs that would be hard to get through traditional dispensers, but we try to only do this when absolutely necessary. In general, since the ALGO is divisible down to the uALGO (10^-6), a dispenser gives plenty of ALGO unless there are immutable ALGO values hard-coded into your contract/app. I would recommend against hardcoding a value like this because it’s always possible we see significant changes in the value of ALGO in the years to come. If you feel like you still need more testnet ALGO, please reach out to me with more information about the project and what how exactly you will be using the testnet ALGO.