Open letter to the ASA Stats governors

ASA Stats has collected enough funds to secure reaching the DAO phase. Its author from now on is obligated to transform ASA Stats into DAO in a period no longer than two years.

It is yet to be decided of the exact entity that will be a legal representative for ASA Stats DAO. As of today, our primary option is an LLC in Wyoming, USA. Also, in the following days ASA Stats is about to establish a legal entity for the pre-DAO phase. It is yet to be decided would it be the same legal entity as DAO’s legal entity.

This open letter is a call for participation in the discussions for all the topics related to the ASA Stats DAO. Everybody, please join the discussions at Discussions · asastats/dao-discussion · GitHub .

The main reason behind this open letter is to announce the first ASA Stats DAO governors. The right and privilege to be a governor in the first ASA Stats DAO voting cannot be taken away from any of the listed governors in the pre-DAO phase. Their participation in the first voting is a privilege, and not an obligation. Any future moves from anybody in the pre-DAO phase can only enlarge the list.

A list of governors, together with other details, can be found at Open letter to the ASA Stats governors · Discussion #1 · asastats/dao-discussion · GitHub.

Pinging: @scholtz @bhaney44 @barnji @JasonW

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If it helps, there is (template) BBLLC terms of service here Terms & conditions - DREM

Also you might be interested in DAO voting using the Vote Coin:

Thank you for commenting. I just commented in our Discord the following:

@ipaleka#4779, one of the Admin from Choice coin server reached out to me ( because I’m a a captain of choice coin server) after seeing post on Asatstats Governors which include two representatives from Choice coin. He wants to get a clearer picture of this, is there I can relate this to him better

We’ll have a voting dApp for ASA Stats DAO (something that will start in no more than two years).

As of today, there are two open source solutions I’m aware of for such an dApp: Scholtz’ and Choice Coin’s.

That initial discussion is about the open letter and governers, but after few days we’ll open the initial technical discussion about the DAO voting dApp in the same repository asastats/dao-discussion · Discussions · GitHub .

I hope Ludovit, Choice Coin representatives, and ASA Stats representatives can have a great and productive discussion there.

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I love the Asa starts community since i get to know the platform I had no problem checking all my tokens in my wallet. I later found out they issue tokens and have plans in place to build a dao finally people also believe in the dream and the development is going on.

This a community project with good dev I will advice everyone to get in its still early

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Hi, I like the initiative here and thanks for the opportunity. I am not exactly sure why you would choose to form a legal entity in the United States for this. In Wyoming, a DAO functionally operates similar to an LLC (LINK). Could you please provide some more information on that?

Moreover, I apologize, but I am still a little unclear on what ASA Stats is or aims to do (LINK). Could also please provide some more information on that as well. Also, what exactly do you intend for Governors to vote on?

Finally, I think it is very important that this project get verified before moving forward because verification will validate the legitimacy of the project. I shared some information on verification in the Forum, which may be helpful. (LINK) Thanks!

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In short, ASA Stats aims to have accurate and up-to-date price information for every ASA and NFT that has ever been sold on Algorand.

You (Choice Coin) and Scholtz are known to have a working solution for voting dApp on Algorand. This call is for everybody to collaborate on the ASA Stats voting dApp that should be developed in the next 2 years.

We just need a formal opening of our discussion about the technical part of that dApp, We promise nothing but civilized and public discussion. Also, all the other developers on Algorand are welcome to join our discussion.

ASA Stats DAO will be the successor of the legal entity we’re about to establish. In the pre-DAO phase, our business field will be only price information on Algorand blockchain and we’ll be focused only on that niche. We’re aiming to provide an API with robust and trustworthy price information for free and professional users.

Whether DAO will be focused on the same business field is something that only DAO can decide. ASA Stats Team that I belong to will have no governance seat so that’s completely out of my influence.

Please, I’m calling you as a member of the Choice Coin to confirm your presence in our discussions under this comment so we can open a new thread focusing only on technical details for the future voting dApp.

Sorry for such a delay in response, it won’t happen again.

