Run separate permitionless network with custom token name (co-chain)

Hi @pavelkrolevets,

Welcome to the Algorand forum!

  1. If you want to have your own custom token in a permissionless setting, the simplest solution is to use ASA (Algorand Standard Assets) over Algorand MainNet (for production) or TestNet (for testing). If you know ERC-20 tokens on Etherum, ASA can do everything ERC-20 can do, but are much easier to use and more importantly benefits of all the advantages of the Algorand blockchain technology, including high TPS and low fees. To get started very quickly, you can create your own token in a couple of click on TestNet using For details, read
  2. Co-chain technology is not yet available. However, note that:
    a. In practice, co-chain will most of the time be private chains (the technology allows for permissionless since it’s the same technology as for the Algorand MainNet but to actually achieve permissionless, you would need to get many participants running participation nodes and relays for your custom tokens - these nodes would not be the same as the Algorand MainNet nodes). Thus, if you want a permissionless chain, you need to use ASA over Algorand MainNet or TestNet. (see point above)
    b. If you just want to use co-chains as a private network without interaction with MainNet, it is already possible to do it now. See Co-chains just facilitate the connection between the co-chain and Algorand MainNet.
  3. The real TPS achieved if you use Algorand MainNet / TestNet is around 1,000. It is shared however with all the Algorand MainNet / TestNet users. If you use your own co-chain / private chain, you may be able to increase the TPS by tweaking the protocol parameters such as the maximum size of the block or some waiting times in the protocol (if all your nodes sit close to each other and are connected with low latency network.).