SWOT Analysis: Algorand - (Personal Opinion)

We all know that Algorand is enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure and has great technology.
But in the last two months, Telegram Algorand Indonesia has been filled with the question from its community “Why does $ALGO prices have not been able to perform like the others”. I could say they were disappointed with $ALGO price performance.

From the community conversations, I tried to perform a SWOT analysis with the aim to find the best formula around which areas require more attention.

If you agree with the two weaknesses that mentioned in the figure above (point 1&2), let’s discuss to find:

  1. How to increase and get attention from the media
  2. How to attract and bring more web3 people to our ecosystem
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Hi and thanks. Do you have any numbers for the small web3-user base?

What does “P/S Ratio Multiple” mean in this context?

Also, is “FUD/s” supposed to mean “Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubts per second”? :joy: