AlgoSigner is an open-source Algorand wallet extension that makes it easy to use ALGOs for payments, investments, or asset exchange in a secure way.
The PureStake team has added several new and exciting features:
• Search, opt-in, and transfer of assets in the user interface.
• dApp support for transactions to clawback and destroy assets if these features have been configured.
• dApp support for application transactions.
• dApp transactions subject to additional validation with clearer errors returned.
• Support for close-to in dApp payment and asset transfer transactions.
• Additional warnings and messages on the user interface for potential hazards.
This is a leap forward for developers who want to build DeFi applications on Algorand. This enables devs to initiate transactions and accept Algos seamlessly, without jeopardizing the security of their users’ secrets.
Hi @cswenor, this upgrade doesn’t include the ability to point to a custom RPC. But tell us more about what you want to do with AlgoSigner to see how we can help you .
We shot an email to Tim Baldwin already about the request so I was crossing my fingers it would be on this release.
We just would like the ability to point AlgoSigner to our local testnet, because it has some extra functionality that the algo testnet and the algo prod doesn’t have yet.
Hey Chris, we got the go ahead to start designing the feature and get the work on the roadmap. The team is targeting later this year, early next but that could change depending on the architecture and complexity.
Our first milestone will be something rougher, that a developer team can work with, and a longer term goal of something polished in the UI.
The team is focused on releasing support for Atomic transactions this week (for dApps) and then Multi-sig (for dApp). We are targeting end of year, January for network add/config.