This is my Dockerfile
FROM algorand/stable:latest
USER root
ENV ALGORAND_DATA /root/node/data
ENV PATH /root/node:$PATH
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install wget -y && apt-get install curl -y
RUN cp ~/node/data/config.json.example ~/node/data/config.json \
&& sed -i '/\"Archival\"/c\\"Archival\": true,' ~/node/data/config.json \
&& sed -i '/\"EndpointAddress\"/c\\"EndpointAddress\": \"\",' ~/node/data/config.json \
&& sed -i '/\"IsIndexerActive\"/c\\"IsIndexerActive\": true,' ~/node/data/config.json
WORKDIR /root/node
ADD /Entrypoint
RUN chmod +x /Entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["/Entrypoint"]
This is my Entrypoint
goal node start
goal node status -w 1000
Operation error
Algorand node failed to start: node exited with an error code, check node.log for more details : exit status 1
Cannot contact Algorand node: open /root/node/data/algod.token: no such file or directory
How can I modify it? thank you