Consensus protocol node statistics

Hi everybody,

  1. is there a way to know how many times and when a node has been selected by the consensus protocol as member of the random cometee that verify the proposed block?

  2. is there a way to know how many times and when a node has been selected by the consensus protocol as block proposer?

  3. in general are some consensus protocol node statistics available?

It would be nice to have some idea, for example, about what is the node probability to be selected as node proposer or as member of cometee and so on.



Here are some partial answers.

For 1., to my knowledge, to know this for your own node, the best way is to parse the logs ($ALGORAND_DATA/node.log).

For 2., each block contains the address of the block proposer. See

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For 1., to my knowledge, to know this for your own node, the best way is to parse the logs ( $ALGORAND_DATA/node.log ).

When I tried to open it from the command terminal I get an error saying “Permission denied”. Is there a specific command to access the node log?

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How did you install the node (DEB package or script)?

Can you show the permissions:

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Hi Fabrice, here you are:

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 513M gen 2 12:05 node.log

I installed the node by DEB package and than updated it.

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The node.log is created with the user account that is used to invoke algod.
In your case, it looks like that user is pi; try to use that user to access the file ( i.e. sudo -u pi … ), or change the permissions on the file to allow every to access it. ( i.e. sudo -u pi chmod 666 node.log )


Thank you tsachi, I did it!

It’s not so easy to interpret it! :sweat_smile:

Would be nice to have some guide line to parse it. :thinking:

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