not a duplicate of the other threads w/ similar titles. the first one “resolved on its own” and the second was related to the dev not sending the signed tx. neither of these apply to my situation (new users limit of 2 links per post - cant link them).
this is the error im receiving:
tail -n1 $ALGORAND_DATA/node.log
Account <address> not participating on round 18330733:
on chain voting key differ from participation voting key for round 18330413",
running an archival non-relay node on 3.2.2.stable that is fully synced:
goal -v
3.2.2.stable [rel/stable] (commit #97e80680)
go-algorand is licensed with AGPLv3.0
source code available at
the account i am using was created in the mobile algorand wallet. i used the mnemonic to sign the online tx. the account is valid and has 75A in it.
issue summary
i have followed the instructions on algorand dev docs with the same issue. on discord someone suggested following the purestake guide which also led to the same result. when trying the purestake instructions i wiped the slate clean by deleting the partkey, txn files and part sqlite files so there was no carryover.
deleted (all in
then restarted the node
below are the exact steps that i took the second time around. sorry for the verbosity. not meant to patronize. i was hoping it would work and these steps could help someone else:
**run all commands as
sudo -E -u algorand
-E carry over current env vars
generate partkey
account_address='<address>'; current_round=$(goal node status | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f4); round_spread=3000000; sudo -E -u algorand goal account addpartkey -a $account_address --roundFirstValid=$current_round --roundLastValid=$(($current_round + $round_spread))
with network if other
sudo ls $ALGORAND_DATA/mainnet-v1.0 | grep -e '.partkey'
take account online (generate online tx, unsigned)
run from algorand data dir
-o (online)
cd $ALGORAND_DATA; account_address='<address>'; sudo -E -u algorand goal account changeonlinestatus -a $account_address -o -t online.tx
sign the tx
useread -s
to accept mnemonic silently (no history)
cd $ALGORAND_DATA; read -s mnemonic; sudo -E -u algorand algokey sign -t online.tx -o online.tx.signed -m "$mnemonic"
confirm signed tx
ls $ALGORAND_DATA | grep 'signed'
send signed tx to network
cd $ALGORAND_DATA; sudo -E -u algorand goal clerk rawsend -f online.tx.signed
check logs
tail -n1 $ALGORAND_DATA/node.log
{"file":"node.go","function":"*AlgorandFullNode).VotingKeys","level":"warning","line":1323,"msg":"node.VotingKeys: Account <address> not participating on round 18330733: on chain voting key differ from participation voting key for round 18330413","name":"","time":"2021-12-30T02:23:12.280090-06:00"}
sudo goal clerk inspect online.tx.signed
"sig": "UvVQADd1CbEqqCO8ecgp6V2QfqORV9fRyZBq1yRStHEX8elSrorxVtWomxok5QTxN0kTEFrPj+jO9sAQfRBMAQ==",
"txn": {
"fee": 1000,
"fv": 18330295,
"gh": "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=",
"lv": 18331295,
"selkey": "AAgy0SIUoG7sY29s08LFa9i9V/CFfVZRr73guRS96Kk=",
"snd": "<address>",
"type": "keyreg",
"votefst": 18330173,
"votekd": 10000,
"votekey": "tB1O1v40AjJX8TXAZZoWBqw/nBJk+cUMJI1QtDMxYeg=",
"votelst": 21330173