While trying to participate in consensus: "Account was closed but still has a participation key active."

After generating my participation keys and sending a keyreg txn, I see this in my algod logs:

Account was closed but still has a participation key active.

{"file":"node.go","function":"github.com/algorand/go-algorand/node.(*AlgorandFullNode).VotingKeys","level":"info","line":1340,"msg":"node.VotingKeys: Address: MY_ADDRESS - Account was closed but still has a participation key active.","name":"","time":"2022-10-11T10:03:01.515093Z"}

If looks like this is set here:

however the address is correct and I can query either algoexplorer or the local node and see that there is indeed a balance in it

Any ideas?

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It resolved itself as soon as I posted. Now participating :v:


That’s fortunate
have a good day

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