Hi Everyone,
So my current configuration:
Raspberry pi nodes running ubuntu containers in host mode (11 Rpi so 1 relay node and 10 non relay nodes) No ports exposed and not sure if needed.
Each container has algorand and needed dependency installed.
On the relay nodes created a private network and made changes to the “Endpoint:” showing the host ip and a port .
{ “GossipFanout”: 1, “NetAddress”: “”, “EndpointAddress”: “”, “DNSBootstrapID”: “”, “EnableProfiler”: true}
Started the private network with that particular relay node (goal network start -n ~/net1/Primary -r ~/net1)
Copied the genesis.json file to the other containers and then started those nodes(goal node start -d /root/net1/Node -p .
One confusion do we copy the genesis.json or the folder Node which was created with the private network ?
Errors or warnings:
while creating private network
WARN[0040] dbatomic: tx took 1.312044372s callee=github.com/algorand/go-algorand/data/account.Participation.Persist.func1 caller=“github.com/algorand/go-algorand@/data/account/participation.go:198” file=dbutil.go function=“github.com/algorand/go-algorand/util/db.(*Accessor).Atomic” line=272 readonly=false
Created new partkey: /root/net1/Wallet1.0.3000000.partkey
https://github.com/algorandfoundation/specs/tree/e5f565421d720c6f75cdd186f7098495caf9101f 100000
Every time the relay node starts and then it shutdown after some time
Cannot contact Algorand node: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused.
Am I doing something wrong . Any step which is missed out? the private network works at times before but now its causing this issue